Brenda and I have both been sick all weekend long, which means neither of us were able to assemble with the believers at FBC Woodward for worship and fellowship. This marks a first for over 1300 Sundays I had not missed a gathering due to illness... until today. Being unable to go today reminded me of how grateful I am to serve with a group of dedicated men who take seriously the command to be instant both in and out of season. Thanks Tony for stepping in with only a few hours notice.
Being home on Sunday morning is not something I am accustomed to. So... I thought I would check out some of the religious programing available to me via Dish Network. Surely with so many channels for my perusal I would be able to find something inspiring to partake of. Man... was I disappointed! There wasn't much offered that was of any real value to me, but there was a little. Feed the Children was looping a valid appeal for financial help to enable them to transport 11 million pound of rice from Taiwan to Malawi... enough to supplement 44 million meals for the hungry children of Malawi. This grabbed me and, once Brenda and I talk it over, we will probably get involved. I also heard a message from Pastor Ed Young Sr. that was both challenging and helpful. What was lacking was fellowship... interaction with living, breathing, Christ loving people.
Over the years I have met many people who are more than content to "get their church on TV". And... though I have always known the fallacy of this position, I now have experienced the deficiency of so called "TV Church". Oh sure... a person can hear some preaching and singing on the Tube, but it is not and cannot be "church". Beyond the obvious, a lack of genuine fellowship and accountability, "TV Church" could be detrimental to healthy spiritual development. What I mean is... with the hodge-podge of theology made available by many so called "TV Preachers" one could become seriously confused and permanently stunted spiritually. Granted, some believers have no alternative, but pity the individual who, by personal preference, gets his or her "church" on the Boob Tube.
I know that since imperfect people make up the church (local body of baptized believers) the church is imperfect, but it remains God's choice of organizations whose purpose is to lead people to love God, love people, and reach the world. And while I certainly did not miss the petty church politics of the religious people, I really missed the sweet fellowship with those who are Christ followers that gather every week @FBC Woodward... the church of which I am a participant... the church to which TV Church cannot hold a candle.
This Aging Thing
9 years ago
We missed you guys!
Good blog. We missed you. I'm impressed at your attendance record!
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